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Where to buy cannabis in times of covid19

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The coronavirus has arrived in Italy and nine days ago the government imposed quarantine on all citizens to try to limit the spread of viral pneumonia that arrived from China. Many European countries followed the Italian measures, despite an initial phase in which they underestimated the problem, considering the blockade an exaggerated reaction to what was defined as "little more than a flu".

It is now clear to everyone that COVID19 has nothing to do with the flu , with which it only shares the initial symptoms.

It has upset our habits and our daily lives, making it difficult to even obtain basic necessities . Of course, supermarkets and pharmacies are open, as are online shops, and food products are available throughout Italy.

Not everyone, however, has the same needs. Quarantine has thrown traditional methods of sourcing weed upside down, causing panic among regular users of legal cannabis and late smokers bored by quarantine.

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Buying marijuana in times of COVID19 is not easy , both for those who smoke legal hemp and for those who turn to the black market.

In Italy all commercial activities are closed, except for those selling food products and basic necessities; as a result, all grow shops, cannabis shops and hemp shops are closed which - like mushrooms - have sprung up in all Italian cities after cannabis sativa with low percentages of THC was made legal in Italy.

Not even smokers of non-weakened weed are doing so well: the pushers are locked in their homes like all the other citizens and have left streets and parks deserted.

Are you looking for high quality light cannabis? Perla is definitely the top of the range.

Cannabis lands directly to your home

Light cannabis smokers are a little luckier than those who smoke illegal weed, because buying legal marijuana today is easy .

Commercial activities open to the public are closed - except pharmacies, supermarkets and delicatessens - but shipping companies are working at full capacity and couriers continue to circulate to bring to you what you cannot purchase due to COVID19.

Online shops are 100% operational and this is the easiest way to get good quality light hemp during this period.

Buying cannabis online is a perfectly legal operation , permitted only to adults, like the purchase of alcohol and tobacco derivatives.

With just a few clicks you can receive your favorite herb directly to your home, without running the risk of violating the increasingly stringent quarantine rules.

You can order from our online store, directly with a Whatsapp message at +39 348 921 66 55

The coronavirus hasn't stopped us and as long as possible we will bring our light cannabis to your home, to help make the time spent at home more pleasant.

We recently launched the brand new Latte XL , airtight packages of variable weight of White Widow and Silver Haze , to be filled with your favorite weed, without the risk of running out of water in the midst of the emergency.

The package is fresh-saving , thanks to a humidity regulator that safeguards and maintains the inflorescences at the right conditions. Terre di Cannabis light marijuana can also be purchased on WhatsApp with a simple message, find out how to do it on our website!

We only deal with light marijuana inflorescences, but you can also find other products on the web, from confetti to vaporizers to grinders for chopping your herbs.

Buying light cannabis is a completely legal operation , so don't worry, no one will come to blame you for buying light cannabis during the emergency .

Usually the goods are shipped in a short time (24/48 hours) in anonymous parcels , in order to guarantee all the necessary confidentiality for the buyer.

The package will be entrusted to the courier who will deliver your favorite weed directly to your home. These days we need to be understanding: couriers are overloaded, shopping online is the only way to buy what is not sold by supermarkets.

If your cannabis light is late, be patient. We are all doing our best to deal with this emergency, especially for those who use light marijuana for therapeutic reasons and need the active ingredients on a daily basis.

light cannabis More ways to buy legal weed during quarantine

We have talked to you several times about vending machines and today we want to remind you that they are an excellent tool for buying marijuana without violating the quarantine rules.

These are machines managed by private companies and we cannot guarantee full showcases and varied assortments, because the moment is particular and the system is overloaded.

However, if you live near a legal marijuana vending machine, that will be the best place to look for it.

Legal weed cannot be sold to minors, and the ban also applies to 24-hour sales: to complete the purchase, a document certifying the buyer's age must be inserted.

Even tobacconists could be the last resort for quarantined smokers.

Despite the brawl of the last year, Italian tobacconists continue to sell light marijuana without too many problems even in times of #I'm staying at home. Tobacco retailers are treated in the same way as supermarkets and pharmacies and can remain open by applying the rules on safety distances.

Some cannabis shops have activated a telephone order system, to guarantee service to their customers and to try to stay open and not lose too much money due to the emergency.

The products are ordered on Whatsapp or by telephone and then they can be collected in store or delivered to your home through apps such as Glovo, to minimize contact with the outside world.

We also remind you of our Whatsapp service at +39 349 82 68 779

What happens abroad?

The situation is not rosy even outside Italy. France, Spain and Germany are in full emergency, Great Britain - after a mild initial phase - is moving towards school closures, as are Belgium and Holland.

Queues to buy basic necessities are now the order of the day, but if in most countries people have crowded - one meter apart - outside supermarkets and pharmacies to buy food and masks, in Holland the Larger queues were noted outside coffee shops .

The Dutch government has ordered the closure of coffeeshops starting from 6pm on March 15, 2020, to limit COVID19 infections. Coffeeshops are considered public places like bars and restaurants and, just like the latter, they closed their doors suddenly , along with gyms, saunas and sex shops.

As part of the measures announced to stem the spread of coronavirus, the government of The Hague has decided that neither schools nor nursery schools will reopen until at least the first Monday in April, let alone coffee shops!

People rushed to the streets and lined up outside these shops to grab some weed to consume during the #lockdown. One man was even arrested because, to disperse the queue in front of him, he began to cough provocatively.

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Terre di cannabis

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