Cannabis e acne, un possibile rimedio

Can Cannabis Help With Acne?

One might think that an article that associates cannabis with a problem - that of acne - which the stereotype lists among the typical problems of adolescence is inappropriate.
And in fact most of us have had to deal between the ages of fourteen and twenty with a problem which, although from a purely medical point of view is not absolutely serious, was enough to throw us into the deepest despair.

Acne is in fact the well-known skin disease that manifests itself through pimples , mainly distributed on the face, and in its more virulent manifestations also on the back and chest. You don't need a psychologist to realize that - in an already delicate period of growth - such a skin manifestation is anything but welcome.

It is true, in fact, that although, as mentioned, it is neither a serious pathology nor a symptom of who knows what irremediable decompensation, acne can have a significant impact on a person's self-esteem and mood , to the point of modifying their behavior and discouraging them from going out. in public.
In more serious cases, if not treated adequately, acne can leave permanent scars in the areas where it occurs most frequently, and these scars are among the main causes of adolescent depression. Sad but true.

What is not true, however, is that it is a problem limited only to puberty and adolescence, although it is also linked to hormonal imbalances, acne takes root more easily in organisms in full revolution such as a teenager.
However, each of us is particularly vulnerable to acne in a different period of our lives: for example, just think that in 2018 alone fifty million Americans turned to healthcare facilities to fight acne, which is still the second skin problem in order of prevalence.

But what exactly is acne?

With this generic word we actually indicate a whole series of skin disorders, whose reference discipline is dermatology. Pimples, boils, blackheads, whiteheads, millet grains, papules, pustules, nodules and even small cysts - these are all possible manifestations of acne, often concomitantly.
The causes of these unwanted skin rashes can be traced back to excessive sebum production by the skin.

Sebum is an oily and lipid skin secretion (pertaining to the sebaceous glands) destined for the hair follicles, which together with sweat contributes to the formation of a surface film that shields the skin from the chemical and bacterial aggressions to which we are continually exposed. Its other important function is to keep under control the release of water by the skin, i.e. its perspiration ( Trans Epidermal Water Loss : TEWL ).

The problem occurs when there is an overproduction of sebum, which then blocks the pores, preventing perspiration: an eventuality that is more likely in people who have "oily" skin. Excess sebum causes the spread of a bacterium that even under normal conditions lives on the epidermis: Propionibacterium acnes .
Its uncontrolled activity triggers inflammation which seeks its outlet through the pimple. The now propagated irritation is at this point further fomented by dead skin cells.

In addition to hormonal upheavals, the factors that make the appearance of pimples more likely include air pollution, an unbalanced diet, or stress . And since acne itself is a source of stress, it is not uncommon for the vicious cycle of stress-stress acne-acne stress-etc. to be triggered. And while some of these factors can be kept under control, others cannot.
In fact, there is also a genetic predisposition to acne, which actually seems to be the most widespread cause.

And so we can't help but come to terms with this risk, and amen.
It must also be said that in a historical period like the one we are experiencing, the exasperation of the cult of image and the need to always give oneself a winning image has exacerbated the problem. It is no coincidence that in recent decades the pharmaceutical industry has made substantial investments in research into cures for acne, and today many medical treatments are available on the market: from exfoliants to laser treatments.
The solution in theory would be to eliminate all that "waste" that blocks the pores. However, there is no perfect remedy: many solutions solve the problem only temporarily, or trigger side effects, or are extremely expensive.

Can cannabis help treat acne symptoms?

Absolutely yes, all of it: from seeds to buds; and especially CBD in its forms of ointments, crystals and oil can have positive effects. We will take care of him.
According to research conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, CBD has the ability to block the production of sebum .
We have already seen in other articles how our body is equipped with an endocannabinoid system, whose receptors are also located on the surface of our body: the skin, precisely. Good: CBD cooperates with CB1 and CB2 receptors and facilitates homeostasis .

Furthermore, it has been demonstrated by the Hungarian Doctor Tamas Biro that a CBD ointment can inhibit or regulate the production of anandamide: the neurotransmitter responsible for the birth, diversification, growth and death of cells . This neurotransmitter must be in optimal balance conditions in order to have blemish-free skin, and CBD can intervene when this balance is compromised.

Doctor Biro has also established (but it was already known) that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, slowing down the progression of inflammation and reducing redness of the skin.
We have already dealt with medicinal and non-therapeutic cannabis: anyone who has followed our articles up to this point will also know that CBD is an effective anti-stress, and therefore can help keep one of the external factors at bay (which have nothing to do with with no genetic predisposition) which can trigger acne, and which we mentioned above.

CBD interacts with the CNS (Central Nervous System), helping the brain to relax and increasing serotonin production (a kind of "happiness hormone"). In this case it is not a question of applying ointments: it is sufficient to take the CBD sublingually in the form of oil, or in "pearls", to have an important help in keeping the hormonal balance under control and keeping stress and anxiety away.
CBD also boasts a "smart bomb" peculiarity, in the sense that it only affects defective skin cells without affecting healthy ones: it only treats the cells responsible for sebum production without affecting the others. And without irritating the skin in any way: something that cannot be said of those available treatments which (containing vitamin A) on the one hand temporarily alleviate the problem and on the other paradoxically cause excessive dryness of the skin, creating a problem that previously did not exist. 'era.

In summary, CBD can be a very important ally in the form of creams, balms, ointments or ointments : in this case we are talking about "topical" application (i.e. the CBD is spread on the skin and comes into contact with the cannabinoid receptors distributed on it ).
But for those who want to fully enjoy all the effects of CBD, it will be sufficient to regularly take CBD oil: in this way you will help your immune system, hormonal balance and stability, reduce anxiety and stress: acne's favorite hunting grounds !

Finally, CBD oil serums are also excellent when spread on the skin to reduce the evidence of scars, imperfections and wrinkles.
And therefore, for our part, we hope that the generic and superficial generalization regarding altering substances will soon cease and that everyone will soon be able to benefit from the gifts of an extraordinary plant: cannabis!

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