Olio cbd

CBD oil: everything you need to know

In this article we will discover together what cannabidiol oil is, its beneficial properties and its derivations. Often, in recent times we have heard of CBD but many still do not know that it is a molecule that derives from Sativa cannabis, which does not have psychotropic effects but rather has qualities that promote relaxation of the body. Specifically we will tell you:

  1. What is Cannabidiol
  2. CBD oil, what is it?
  3. What is CBD oil used for?
  4. The endocannabinoid system

What is CBD?

Today we continually talk about CBD, but until some time ago cannabidiol was a subject of study for researchers and chemistry students. Let's find out more about this precious, powerful and versatile molecule that has forever changed the way we see marijuana . That cannabis sativa has an excellent impact on the human organism is beyond doubt, now the seven-pointed leaf fits peacefully among the pharmacological treatments used to combat chronic pain, epilepsy and the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. But how did we arrive at this awareness?

The potential of CBD has not always been known to the scientific community. Cannabidiol was isolated for the first time in 1940 , by a group of researchers from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois (USA) . In the article that explained the procedure that led them to identify the structure of the molecule from cannabis extract, the scientists assured that "cannabinol is highly toxic but has no activity in marijuana".

In 1964 , Israeli scientist Raphael Mechoulam determined the exact molecular structure of cannabidiol, until the following year when his team's researchers isolated THC and began to classify its effects. The work carried out at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has opened up new scenarios in research on the pharmacological potential of cannabinoids.

In 1973 a group of Brazilian scientists announced that CBD reduced seizures caused by epilepsy in animals , and in 1974 researchers from the same country discovered that CBD acts as an anxiolytic, reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress. Between the 1970s and 1980s, attention to the components of marijuana decreased and no significant progress was made until 1988.

At this point, however, the situation changes considerably: the endocannabinoid system of the human body is discovered and experts begin to seriously consider the therapeutic potential of marijuana . At the end of the 1990s, a group of American researchers from the Mental Care National Institute revealed that CBD is a powerful cellular antioxidant , and subsequent studies reported that this property also makes it an excellent neuroprotector , useful for reducing neuronal degeneration caused by Alzheimer's and Parkinson.

It is at this point that the fortunes of marijuana began to look rosy, because advances in the scientific field were added to those in the legal and cultural field in the USA. Alaska, Oregon and Washington legalized medical cannabis in the mid-1990s, tired of ignoring science and its discoveries. In 1998, the company GW Pharmaceuticals received the license to produce Sativex , a drug for the treatment of pain and spasms in patients with multiple sclerosis, composed equally of THC and CBD.

During the first decade of the 2000s, other research was carried out on the therapeutic potential of CBD , to investigate its effect on the immune system and its anti-inflammatory power. Studies suggested that the compound blocks the progress of rheumatoid arthritis and is capable of regulating the presence of some molecules implicated in the development of tumors, thanks to its immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory action. Between 2000 and today, further objectives have been achieved in CBD research and it is thanks to the work of doctors and scientists that in many countries around the world cannabis is slowly gaining the recognition and respect it deserves.

Cbd oil

CBD oil: what is it?

CBD oil is a real elixir and its strong point is its incredible versatility. To obtain the oil, the CBD extracted from cannabis is diluted in cannabis oil and based on the CBD content, oils with different concentrations will be obtained , intended for different uses.

CBD oil can be taken by placing it under the tongue, added to foods and drinks, or ingested in capsule form.

CBD is safe and well tolerated, even at high doses, although very few side effects occur such as dry mouth, slight tiredness, lowered blood pressure, difficulty absorbing other drugs. CBD oil can be purchased without the need for a medical prescription and the same product can also be administered to children.

CBD is usually taken by releasing a few drops of cannabis oil under the tongue. This method allows you to enjoy the effects of CBD more quickly and intensely, because the substance is absorbed by the bloodstream of the sublingual tissue without passing through the liver .

Among CBD oils, there are two main categories: raw oils and purified ones. The raw oils are extracted and mixed with vegetable oils, but do not undergo further processing. From this process, oils of non-homogeneous quality are obtained, which take on a dark green color and contain somewhat variable concentrations of CBD, while in the purified oil the extract is filtered to remove fats, chlorophyll and other unwanted chemicals and contains only cannabidiol and high quality hemp oil.

Cbd oil

What is CBD oil used for?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 80 cannabinoids found in cannabis sativa. Unfortunately, for decades, cannabis has been linked exclusively to THC and its psychoactive effects and many other cannabinoids have been completely ignored, first and foremost CBD . As we have already told you, dozens and dozens of studies have been conducted on CBD and its effects over the last 40 years and - finally - these effects are recognized on a general level.

In 2013, research was already quite advanced and an article listing the beneficial effects of CBD was published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology .

What are the effects of CBD?

PAINKILLER → Cannabidiol has also been used successfully against chronic pain and many studies suggest that CBD could become the treatment of choice for chronic pain. Thanks to its analgesic properties it is also used effectively in inflammatory states and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

ANXIETY AND PANIC ATTACKS → Many scientific studies suggest that - thanks to its relaxing effects - CBD can soothe the symptoms of disorders associated with anxiety, such as social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks and PTSD, post traumatic stress shock.

ANTIEPILEPTIC → CBD can also be used for the treatment of epilepsy, especially in pediatric patients. A group of scholars from the University of Saskatchewan, in Canada, published a study on the subject, after having found improvements in epileptic subjects of childhood age.

Cannabis cultivation

According to the study, the oil, with its anticonvulsant effect on the nervous system , would improve not only the clinical picture, but the lives of children in general. The researchers administered a healing oil with a concentration of 95% CBD and 5% THC on children (7 in total aged from 1 to 10 years) suffering from severe forms of drug-resistant epilepsy. Over the six months of observation, the children received 10-12 milligrams of cannabis extract for every kilo of weight, for every day. In 3 out of 7 patients the crises have definitively disappeared, while in the other cases the symptoms have improved and, with them, the children's quality of life.

ANTIEMETIC → CBD oil has proven to be a valid ally also as an antiemetic, especially when used at low doses. According to scientists, CBD has an antiemetic effect because it activates autoreceptors found in the dorsal raphe nucleus, located in the brainstem. This application is highly appreciated especially in cancer patients.

DIABETES → A study, entitled "Marijuana in the Management of Diabetes" and published in 2013 in the American Journal of Medicine, claims that cannabis users tend to show lower fasting blood sugar and insulin levels. According to this study, Cannabis users are less likely to become obese, tend to have higher levels of "good cholesterol" and a smaller waist circumference.

OTHER BENEFICIAL EFFECTS → As we have repeated many times, CBD has an anti-inflammatory effect and thanks to this property it reduces inflammation due to arthritis, acting significantly on the perception of pain. CBD has relaxing effects with consequences on sleep and mood in general, acting like benzodiapenes and antidepressant drugs. CBD is also effective against acne, because it has a sebum-regulating effect and helps soothe inflammation.

CBD products

The endocannabinoid system

Cannabis is effective on our body thanks to the endocannabinoid system , which is activated by active ingredients such as THC and CBD . This is the network of cannabinoid receptors and transmitters naturally present in the human body, which - to function - are wrapped around neural cells, organs and immune cells. When cannabinoids come into contact with the CB1 and CB2 receptors, our body activates a series of reactions aimed at homeostatic regulation, i.e. the preservation of the body in its normal condition.

Endocannabinoids therefore play a very important role in preserving the health of our body and also influence sleep , mood and behavior. In particular they have an effect on:

  • Bone growth and development;
  • Emotions;
  • Development of the fetus;
  • Memory;
  • Metabolism;
  • Movement;
  • Pleasure;
  • Pain perception;
  • Reproduction;
  • Sleep;
  • Response to stress;
  • Temperature regulation.

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