Smettere di fumare le sigarette

Stop smoking cigarettes with CBD

In the previous article we mentioned the story of our friend Emanuele, a bartender from Novara who managed to say goodbye to nicotine thanks to the consumption of light cannabis .

He had been smoking for 17 years and couldn't stand being short of breath anymore: cigarettes were ruining him and he knew it.

Lately he couldn't even stand the smell of tobacco smoke and this was an unmistakable sign for him. He had never smelled cigarettes after smoking, he didn't smell it on others or even on himself, and now he could smell that smell on himself, just like everyone else could smell it. This shocked him: he hadn't imagined he would give off such a pungent odor and by now that sweetish aroma of burnt tobacco was everywhere, in the house, on his clothes, on the upholstery of the car. He felt it after many years, let alone people who don't smoke cigarettes.

He had been an undisciplined and insatiable smoker and now, after many years, the consequences were being felt.

He was 32 years old and his body was starting to change ; this didn't seem like a problem in itself to him, after all he had a good physical structure and had always played sports, even if recently he had let himself go a bit. But time passed and Emanuele was afraid that smoking would come back to ask him to account for all those years of nicotine self-harm .

“I stopped smoking thanks to a cannabis vaporizer”

Emanuele stopped smoking thanks to cannabis light. He had been in forced abstinence for 4 days and hadn't gone this long without smoking in years. In the grip of a textbook monkey he went to the tobacconist looking for something, even though he didn't even know exactly what he was looking for.

When he told us we were a little taken aback, the tobacconist seemed like the only place where we couldn't seek comfort in a moment like this. Instead we were wrong. People who want to quit smoking do strange things, especially when they are really determined to say goodbye to tobacco addiction.

Eliminating nicotine becomes a challenge with yourself and, in that case, any weapon is legal!

Linx Gaia Vaporizer

What did Emanuele find at the tobacconist near his house, in the throes of withdrawal symptoms? He came across a package of cannabis light .

It wasn't ours, but it doesn't matter! Over time, he too learned to orient himself in a very varied and decidedly competitive market, but - in the meantime - that day he purchased his first 2 grams of light marijuana . He didn't know it yet, but the effects of CBD would change his life .

Along with the marijuana, he tells us that he bought everything he needed to make his first legal joint and admits that he really couldn't wait to smoke it. His nicotine addiction was very strong, 17 years is a very long time. At that point it is no longer just a question of chemical dependence , but smoking becomes an aesthetic fact, a habit , almost a habit.

His first legal joint was strange. He hadn't smoked weed in ages, but he remembered the feeling very well. Not that he had ever liked that sensation, but he was so convinced of his undertaking that he even attempted the unimaginable.

When he told us he sounded like a teenager. He sat down on the sofa, turned on the TV and launched into his new adventure. The desire to smoke was satisfied and there was no trace of the bad feeling that joints had always left on him. He didn't believe it: could he really stop smoking with weed ?

Does CBD help you quit smoking?

The beneficial properties of cannabis are many and are now known to most people, thanks to the many scientific studies on the topic.

Although scientists have managed to identify the benefits of this substance and raise public awareness on the topic, not everyone agrees in considering cannabis, even light cannabis rich in CBD , a "good" substance.

Prohibitionism had a profound effect on the souls of ordinary people and, surprisingly, also on those of many scientists who, blind to the progress and potential of this substance, are unable to admit that the use of cannabis can also be very good for your health. .

Cultivation of light cannabis

Cannabis, in the past, was mistakenly branded as a gateway drug , a viaticum for the leap to hard drugs. Many scientific tests have been carried out on the subject and the results do not seem so disastrous.

The first of these tests dates back to the 1970s and was carried out by Tod Mikuriya, on behalf of the National Institute of Mental Health - Center for Narcotics and Drug Abuse Studies. The American doctor's studies demonstrate how cannabis can be a gateway substance, but not to get to the point of taking other substances, but rather to get out of it and to stop smoking.

Increasingly frequent research would therefore demonstrate how cannabis can be a replacement and exit drug from other substances, not an easy springboard towards a career as a drug addict.

A study carried out in California instead examined the appearance and effectiveness of the so-called "substitution" phenomenon in Canadian patients treated with therapeutic cannabis to overcome strong addictions to alcohol and drugs, with the same results as the previous one.

What is substitution? 

Substitution is the conscious choice to knowingly use a substance in place of another , evaluating the pros and cons, such as the risk of potential addiction, the effectiveness in alleviating symptoms and the level of social acceptance of the substance.

Half of the people interviewed during the study said they used cannabis as a less harmful substitute for alcohol and had thus managed to stop drinking. 57% of the sample instead said they use cannabis as a substitute for illicit drugs . Some patients even said that they were able to quit smoking tobacco thanks to the use of cannabis .

As regards cigarette smoking, it has been shown that the use of cannabis even in very small quantities can be a valid ally in overcoming tobacco addiction, and therefore in quitting smoking. This happens for two reasons: consuming a substance through combustion keeps the act of smoking unchanged, which - for some smokers - is as indispensable as nicotine itself; in addition to this, we must consider the chemical effect of CBD on our brain, which - according to some studies - intervenes on the neurocognitive processes associated with nicotine and the desire to smoke.

Vaporize light cannabis to quit smoking

It's time that everyone admits that smoking cannabis can help to quit smoking and that cannabinoids in general can be a valid ally in the fight against drug addiction. Furthermore , marijuana rich in CBD is almost completely free of side effects , as Emanuele also reminded us, who was a little burned by his youthful experience with illegal cannabis.

Vaporize to truly quit smoking

Emanuele left convinced and nothing pulled him away from his new life. Since that first time, he has never stopped using light cannabis. He changed only one thing: he said goodbye to papers, filters and – once and for all – the hated tobacco and switched to the vaporizer.

Vaping CBD is the only way to truly quit smoking. We say goodbye to tobacco smoke and, therefore, to nicotine and - in an instant - we say goodbye to all the harmful substances that are generated by combustion.

However, Emanuele remains a former heavy smoker and, for him, every day is a struggle. He can't even define himself as an ex-smoker , so great is his fear of starting again.

Ultimately, starting to smoke cigarettes again is a matter of moments. Every time he feels like smoking he does a quick analysis of the pros and cons and remembers the reasons that led him to quit. Today Emanuele has started swimming again and his body is starting to look more toned and younger .

He likes himself more and this makes him happy, even if he knows that he will never reach the levels of when he was a kid, the first swimmer on his pool team.

To have the sensation of the cigarette between your fingers, Emanuele chose a very particular vaporizer. It's called Flowermate slick and it's a vaporizer for beginners, suitable for those trying to vape light marijuana for the first time . It is also a good choice for those who have been vaping for a long time and are looking for a pocket-sized, versatile and powerful device to take with them outside the home.

In our opinion, Flowermate slick is one of the best beginner vaporizers on the market.

It is a conduction vaporizer, which means that it exposes the herb to heat only indirectly, thanks to an internal resistance that heats up, also heating the substance to be vaporized. It has a sturdy body made of polished carbon, which helps protect the device from scratches and damage.

One of the most characterizing aspects of this vaporizer is the borosilicate glass mouthpiece , which is rarely found mounted on cheap vaporizers. The glass mouthpiece gives an elegant appearance that allows the release of an aromatic and dense vapor, which Emanuele thinks very much of the sensation of a cigarette.

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