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The trichome method: when to harvest cannabis

The first cannabis flower that appears on a plant is the joy of growers, who after investing a lot of time and energy, can finally harvest the long-awaited marijuana. But how do we know when a plant is ready to be harvested? Experts insist that it is important to wait for the right time to harvest cannabis and it can be very useful to observe the trichomes to understand when the harvest time has arrived. In this article we will delve deeper into this topic, here is what we will see:

  1. What are cannabis trichomes
  2. What are trichomes for?
  3. Why are they important for collection?
  4. Vegetative phase Vs Flowering phase
  5. What can you do with trichomes?
light cannabis

What are cannabis trichomes

From the Greek " trichome " means hair growth, in fact these are tiny glandular protuberances that resemble small stems and form on the cannabis plant during the growth phase. We can describe them as very small containers of cannabinoids , which are found on the surface of the flowers and, although in smaller numbers, also on the leaves.

In the case of plants with a high THC content, we will have trichomes rich in tetracannabinol, in the case of light cannabis we will have trichomes high in cannabidiol (CBD) or cannabigerol (CBG).

Botanists distinguish between:

  • Sessile capitate trichomes
  • Bulbous trichomes
  • Stalked capitate trichomes

It is this last type of trichomes that interests cannabis growers because they are the ones that give oiliness and resinousness to the inflorescences, in short that pleasant sticky sensation, which, although forcing us to use a suitable herb grinder, guarantees us that our cannabis or cannabis light it is full of active ingredient .

A particularly resinous cannabis flower like that of White Widow for example, a legendary strain famous for its white leaves during the weeks of flowering, is studded with trichomes, in some cases visible even to the naked eye. The same thing goes for Popolo, the cannabis light version of White Widow.

Cannabis What are trichomes for?

Trichomes act as a natural barrier and help the plant protect itself from the sun , preventing it from being damaged by UV rays .

Furthermore, the resin patina that forms on the cannabis flower and leaf protects marijuana plants from strong winds, too cold or too muggy temperatures, making it able to adapt more or less comfortably to any type of climatic condition.

The resinous trichome barrier also functions as a defense against insects, fungi, and potential diseases affecting the plant . Therefore, trichomes perform some functions essential to the survival of the cannabis plant.

Why are they important for collection?

Observing trichomes can help us understand that a plant is ready for harvest . It may be useful to have a magnifying glass which will help us see the tiny trichomes clearly and understand what color they are.

In fact, it is precisely the color of the trichomes that can be used as an indicator. From the first weeks of flowering, until about halfway through, the trichomes are transparent in color . In the final weeks of flowering, cannabis growers will notice that the trichomes go from transparent to milky white.

When the trichomes fade slightly towards amber , equip yourself with a basket and get busy: it's the perfect time to harvest cannabis.

light cannabis

Vegetative phase Vs Flowering phase

After sowing our cannabis seeds, the vegetative phase awaits us, during which the trichomes are not yet present.

Marijuana plants begin to grow, strengthen their roots , put out their first leaves, grow in height and width, preparing to support the load that awaits them during the weeks of flowering.

It is important to maintain a light cycle of approximately 18 hours, guaranteed in outdoor cultivation in a natural way between April and September and reproducible in indoor cultivation through the use of a lamp with preferably white light.

Unless you want to stop the vegetative phase and bring forward flowering, it is important to stress the plants as little as possible and keep the light and dark cycle constant throughout the entire vegetative growth, which varies from one to four depending on the variety. weeks . During this phase, cannabis plants must be regularly hydrated and fed with natural, nitrogen-rich products.

The flowering weeks instead begin with the alteration of the light-dark cycle . In outdoor cultivation it is the moment in which the days start to get shorter , in indoor cultivation it is the moment in which cannabis growers decide to increase the hours of darkness until reaching a 12/12 cycle.

It is in these first weeks that the trichomes will begin to appear, becoming more and more defined as the days pass, taking on the typical shape of tiny mushroom heads and changing their color from transparent to milky white , up to amber , during the very last few weeks. weeks of flowering.

During this phase the plants must be hydrated and nourished. It is important to stop using nitrogen and ensure, especially in the case of indoor cultivation, excellent ventilation, which protects the plants from humidity and mould.

It can be useful to check each individual cannabis flower during flowering because molds tend to hide and then spread quickly. In both phases, marijuana plants must be carefully monitored.

Know that a yellow or brown external marijuana leaf at the end of the vegetative phase is normal, while a new but yellow or brown marijuana leaf can be a warning sign.

It is best to remove any dead branches and old leaves , so that the nutrients are used for the growth and flowering of the healthy plant. The duration of the two phases varies from variety to variety. For example, Amnesia Haze or Diva , its legal version, have a three-week vegetative phase and approximately sixty days of flowering.

White Widow has a flowering period of up to seventy days and a vegetative phase of four weeks.

cannabis flower

What can you do with trichomes?

As we have seen, trichomes are a kind of container of active ingredient and we now know that they are present in large quantities on the cannabis flower but also, albeit to a lesser extent, on the marijuana leaf , on which a certain THC content is still present if it deals with cannabis and CBD or CBG if it is cannabis light, a choice we always recommend.

Using the leaves can be an excellent choice to appreciate the active ingredient in the form of a decoction before going to sleep.

Here is a simple, tasty recipe with great therapeutic properties.

Ingredients for a herbal tea for two:

  • 250ml of water
  • 1 gram of light CBG cannabis inflorescences or 2 grams of dried leaves
  • 2 large spoons of honey
  • Half a lemon

Let the flowers and leaves dry for a week or two. Put the honey and lemon in a cup, heat the water and turn off as soon as it starts to boil. Pour the water and insert the filter in which you have previously placed the dried flowers or leaves.

Enjoy your relaxation and in the meantime, if you like, take a tour of our website where you can find the best light cannabis inflorescences, grown organically and certified and 100% made in Italy.

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