When we started growing cannabis light , in some ways it was as if a dream had come true. One of the cultivated fields in Abruzzo is inside a private property and many times we have had dinners or small parties.
And finding yourself at the end of the working day with a roast in one hand and a glass of wine in the other, in front of a thousand Cannabis sativa plants is truly a dream. At least for us who believe in hemp cultivation. And that we had this dream.
Our Master Hemp Grower has demanded from the beginning of our journey: “...wherever our lands are, they will be the lands of our children. Let us always remember this..." and so we did.
And we will continue like this. With respect and passion. With attention and love.
We want to take care of the territory in which we operate, the surrounding environment, people and animals. With respect for the land we work and with loyalty to the people who live there.
Natural cultivation
Until the 1960s, much of Italian agriculture was still based on natural cultivation. Thanks to the industrial transformation and the economic boom of that period, the agricultural system became chemically driven. Pesticides, herbicides and other chemically derived products that were invasive for nature became common use.
It is only thanks to the awareness of recent years that many growers have gone "green". Contributing significantly to creating a new production chain, based on natural and organic systems.
This respect for the environment is also the result of an awareness, developed in recent years, which has highlighted excessive exploitation of the earth by man. More and more often we hear about land grabbing, about raw materials running out and the relationship between man and the earth is destined to change again.
We at Terredicannabis have a mission: to grow cannabis while respecting the territory. Nature returning to nature! We respect the environment in a simple and natural way.
We use earth to grow a plant. In a clear way, respecting the country and the people who live there.
Without polluting, without defacing the animals' habitat but rather, working in synergy with it. And encouraging a continuous exchange of natural resources.
Recycling and reuse
When we finish harvesting, in some plantations, we plant field beans, a type of wild bean that grows like a shrub. During the winter, local animals, such as deer, wild boars, fallow deer and others come to eat the vegetables. Not just to eat because the animals also do their business in the field. Ideal for fertilizing soil.
But not only. In fact, a few months before sowing, we plow and till the soil again, leaving all the plant material in the field. This is to ensure that the soil is able to incorporate all the organic substances contained.
Even for fungi and other problems we only use natural methods. We use some essential oils of herbs and plants, mixed and diluted in aqueous solutions. Or propolis, a wonderful natural antibiotic capable of defeating the attacks of natural agents.
Cannabis and social projects
But not just nature. Especially the people. We have an eye for the farmers, the farmers who collaborate with us. But we have excellent relationships with the neighbors and with the inhabitants of the places where we operate.
In Abruzzo, where our company operates with great intensity, we have undertaken a collaboration with a social cooperative. Last year, during the harvest period we hosted two boys from Mali , refugees and guests of a facility in the area, as workers.
It was nice. They had the chance to earn some money and we learned a lot from their stories. And we hope to contribute again, in our small way to other active solidarity projects.
Because as our Master Hemp Grower loves to repeat, "The Earth belongs to everyone".