Coltivazione di Cannabis light

Cannabis legalization: an overview

In recent years, policies linked to prohibitionism have undergone a very significant trend reversal: many countries have decriminalized the consumption and possession of cannabis, others have legalized the sale of marijuana for therapeutic purposes, some have even completely legalized the consumption of cannabis for recreational purposes. Italy, together with Switzerland, in 2018 legalized the consumption of the so-called light cannabis, cannabis sativa almost entirely deprived of THC.

Light cannabis contains THC and CBD like any other cannabis plant, but the percentages of the two active ingredients are different from those of the illegal plant, and above all they are regulated. In fact, legal hemp can contain up to 0.2% THC , a quantity that excludes the occurrence of psychoactive effects, guaranteeing relaxation due to CBD and no other side effects.

How does the sale of light cannabis work in Italy?

Light cannabis, after being legalized with law. 242/2016, can be marketed freely . Since legalization in 2018, shops dedicated to the trade of light marijuana inflorescences and derivative products have opened their doors in all Italian cities. Legal hemp is also sold in some tobacconists and bars. This is hemp grown in Italy and included in the Official Catalog of the European Community , which contains 67 legal cannabis light genetics. Eight of these are Italian, and are the only ones that can be cultivated in the national territory, since law 242/2016 prohibits the importation and hybridization of light marijuana plants.

Starting from the directive of the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini , there was a lot of tension among professionals, and the peak was reached on May 30 with the ruling of the Court of Cassation on the sale of inflorescences and extracts derived from cannabis. The sentence had to be pronounced to find a meeting point between two different provisions, one issued by the Fourth Criminal Section, the other by the Sixth, which gave essentially opposite opinions on the cannabis trade.

In essence, to see these products, they must actually be "without doping efficacy" . To fully understand which products are at risk and which are not, we will have to wait for the reasons for the ruling, which will allow us to understand what is excluded from legal sale. To date, what is certain is that many of the materials normally sold by hemp companies, such as oils, flowers and resin, have become illegal.

What is the situation in the rest of the world?

The legalization of cannabis remains a complex issue, even in countries that have managed to find a balance. The debate is fierce, above all due to the false beliefs that are spread by every means; Prohibition is a cultural fact , rooted in the background of many, who see cannabis as a dangerous drug, like heroin and cocaine.

Things are very different: many studies have been published on the potential of cannabis, which has proven to be an excellent ally in combating mood disorders, chronic pain and the symptoms of chemotherapy, if used correctly.

100% legal cannabis

The countries that have fully legalized the sale of cannabis for therapeutic and recreational purposes are Uruguay, Canada and North Korea. Uruguay was the pioneer of legalization , approved by Mujica's government as early as 2013. In Uruguay it is legal to purchase marijuana only if you are a resident of the country, if you have reached the age of majority and if you are registered on the appropriate lists. No possibility of legal purchase has been provided for foreign citizens.

Registration on the list gives the right to purchase a maximum of 40 grams of hemp per month, the supply chain of which is guaranteed and controlled by the State, as well as the distribution, authorized in 12 pharmacies that have agreed to sell legal weed, of which 5 are located in the capital Montevideo. In Uruguay, the cultivation of cannabis is also legal, up to six plants for personal use and always subject to registration in public registers.

Exactly one year ago, in June 2018, Canada also said yes to marijuana, with the approval of a law that legalizes the recreational use of cannabis without any restrictions . The rule has been in force since the autumn of 2018. The main reason that pushed Canadian politics to legalize marijuana is the desire to fight organized crime, providing consumers with a controlled and quality product. The law allows the purchase and possession of cannabis up to 30 grams and the cultivation of four plants for personal use.

The third and final country where the trade and consumption of cannabis is legal is North Korea . However, the Korean situation is not as clear as that of Canada and Uruguay: in the Asian country all narcotic substances are prohibited, but cannabis is not included in the list of prohibited substances .

Marijuana is considered legal and is widely used and marketed without any restrictions. Within North Korean territory it is common to see people smoking cannabis, both in public places and inside private premises. However, the lack of precise legislation, which creates a certain tolerance on the topic, should not be mistaken for a real legalization of cannabis.

Legal cannabis with restrictions

There are many countries in which the sale of cannabis is legal, but subject to restrictions.

The Netherlands does not have legislation that allows the production and sale of cannabis, but its production, sale and consumption is permitted. The restrictions concern the methods and place of consumption : cannabis can only be sold and consumed inside coffee shops, while smoking is prohibited in public places.

Since January 2018, marijuana has been legalized in California . The production, marketing and consumption of hemp for both therapeutic and recreational use are legal . The legal limits set the minimum age for purchase at 21 years, while the maximum quantity for possession is 28.3 grams and up to 6 plants can be grown at home for personal use. The law did not legalize cannabis statewide, but each municipality in California will have to legislate to comply with state guidelines. Where it is legal it can also be purchased by tourists, while for therapeutic purposes it is necessary to have a medical prescription.

In the USA, cannabis is also legal in Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, Washington and Nevada . Here, those over the age of 21 , American citizens or foreign tourists , can legally purchase and possess up to one ounce, approximately 30 grams , of cannabis for personal use. However, it is not possible to smoke in public places, while consumption must be specifically permitted in private premises. Furthermore, marijuana cannot be transported outside the country, but must be consumed within state borders.

Legal cannabis with THC restrictions

In addition to Italy, other states have also legalized cannabis with some restrictions on the percentages of active ingredient and quantities. In Belgium, personal consumption is illegal, but possession of up to 3 grams of cannabis is tolerated .

In the Czech Republic it is possible to possess up to 15 grams of marijuana and 5 grams of hashish for recreational purposes , thanks to the decriminalization of consumption, while it is possible to purchase and consume medical marijuana upon prescription .

In Germany, the sale and consumption of cannabis for therapeutic purposes are legalized upon medical prescription, including state-controlled private cultivation.

Even in Spain, hemp is de facto decriminalised, with possession limits set at 40 grams , but consumption is only permitted in private, in one's home or within clubs authorized by the State.

The sale, trade, transport and consumption of hemp in all public places remains prohibited. In France, the personal use of marijuana for recreational purposes is prohibited by law , however the consumption of light cannabis , hemp with low percentages of THC, which can be purchased in specialized shops, is permitted .

Finally, in England it is legal to buy and consume cannabis for therapeutic use , but the supply is still rather limited, while use for recreational purposes is illegal.

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