Until recently the words “cannabis” and “cooking” would never have been in the same sentence. What happened in recent years was the beginning of a great revolution. Read the whole article to find out how cannabis is entering our kitchens, in particular we will talk about:
- The increasingly widespread use of cannabis
- Cannabis light: what is it?
- The properties of CBD
- CBD in the kitchen
- Digestion and CBD
- CBD oil
The increasingly widespread use of cannabis
Studies and the dissemination of information on the properties of cannabis , its origins and its use have opened a Pandora's box on one of the most controversial substances in history. The declaration of hemp's illegality has deprived many sectors of the enormous advantages it could provide. In addition to having prevented you from enjoying a plant that has many beneficial properties.
Today, however, hemp in the kitchen is an increasingly widespread reality, which allows you to broaden your culinary repertoire. Not only as a substitute ingredient but as the real protagonist of the dishes. Cannabis -based dishes can easily be included in your diet because they promote protein intake in addition to meat and fish. Even some important cannabinboids present in marijuana, used for medical purposes, can help prevent cardiovascular and intestinal diseases.
It will certainly take some time to get used to the intense green color it gives to the dishes. But it will be enough to taste it and see the positive effects so that you will no longer be able to do without it .

Cannabis light: what is it?
When we talk about cannabis-based food preparations, we are obviously referring to cannabis light. Cannabis sativa with very low THC content (< 0.2%), without psychoactive effects and with variable quantities of CBD , which is responsible for the relaxing and beneficial effects of marijuana.
In Italy, light marijuana is legal thanks to law 242/2016 on the cultivation and supply chain of hemp. To better understand the topic, the initial passage to article 1 is decisive. Hemp is spoken of as a "crop capable of contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact in agriculture, the reduction of land consumption and desertification and the loss of biodiversity, as well as as a crop to be used as a possible substitute for surplus crops and as a rotation crop".
In addition to the sale of light cannabis inflorescences, law 242/2016 has paved the way for an all-round business. Oil and flour are produced from hemp, the seeds and many food preparations obtained from these raw materials are sold.
The properties of CBD
Hemp fruits, at first glance, appear like a small nut covered with a thin, shiny and hard layer. Rich in nutrients, they are brown or black and sometimes also green-grey in color and their diameter varies, on average, from 3 to 4 mm. Hemp seeds contain between 28% and 35% fat. 30% to 35% carbohydrates and 20% to 24% proteins. In addition to high percentages of vitamin B (more than other foods of plant origin), vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and iron.
Hemp seeds are a truly "amazing" product . They contain all eight essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize independently, and this makes them highly protein-rich and recommended for a healthy and balanced diet. It doesn't end there: the vitamin intake and the presence of mineral salts (calcium, magnesium, potassium) are also noteworthy. Furthermore, hemp has a very high nutritional value, suitable for those who follow a high-protein diet , such as athletes and sportsmen. But also for those who would like to compensate for the lack of animal proteins by choosing specific dietary regimes , such as vegans and raw foodists.
Furthermore, the presence of polyunsaturated fats makes hemp an excellent ally against cardiovascular diseases (the Omega 3 and Omega 6 ratio is the perfect 5:1). Arteriosclerosis, eczema, acne and diseases of the respiratory system.
CBD in the kitchen
CBD is fat-soluble, making it extremely easy to add to a variety of recipes that require fatty ingredients , such as butter or coconut oil. The cannabinoid can be added to savory dishes in the form of seasonings, sauces and marinades. But it can also be used to enrich desserts, such as brownies, cakes and even drinks, such as coffee affogatos and cocktails.
For cannabis consumers, regardless of what use they decide to make of it, there are some guidelines to follow to avoid wasting part of this precious ingredient .
There is a common misconception that raw cannabis is psychoactive. The cannabinoids in “fresh” marijuana are not present in their active form. Both THC and CBD contained in cannabis are present in their acid form, i.e. as THCA and CBDA. To convert both of these molecules into THC and CBD requires a process called decarboxylation .
This process involves heating cannabis to a certain temperature in order to remove a carboxyl group from the molecule. Therefore, sprinkling a fresh marijuana bud on top of a salad or mixing it into a drink will only provide a quantity of CBDA to the consumer. When the goal is to take CBD.
This problem does not arise for most cannabis smokers, since combustion automatically activates the decarboxylation process . The temperature of some hot dishes may be sufficient to decarboxylate raw buds.
But it is always better to carry out the procedure correctly before using cannabis in the kitchen, to be sure that you have correctly activated all the cannabinoids. To do this, simply grind the raw inflorescences, place them on a baking tray or on a sheet of baking paper and bake in the oven at 110–120° for an hour.

Digestion and CBD
Intestinal health is important, and cannabis has proven to be a great ally in this case too. There are many foods that must be consumed to have correct intestinal function. And to reduce other problems, if present but, even in this case, CBD has played a very important role since ancient times.
The authors of an article published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research point out that the endocannabinoid system participates significantly in the normal physiology of gastrointestinal functions . Demonstrating involvement in motility, fat intake through the intestine-brain interaction and manifestation of the sensation of hunger, inflammation and intestinal permeability. The endocannabinoid system is composed of cellular receptors found throughout the body in areas such as the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and immune system.
So far, two main receptors have been identified, namely CB1 and CB2, also present on the cells of the intestine and digestive system. An irregular functioning of this system can play a decisive role in some intestinal pathologies, such as inflammatory bowel disorders, irritable bowel and even obesity.
Cannabinoids are often used for therapeutic purposes precisely because of their ability to hit these receptors, involving the endocannabinoid system . These are components capable of binding or influencing receptors thanks to their molecular similarity with endogenous cannabinoids, a phenomenon known as biomimicry . THC is known to bind directly to CB1 receptors, while CBD has an indirect effect on both CB1 and CB2 receptors.

CBD oil
The benefits of cannabis oil are many and derive largely from the properties of the plant from which it is extracted. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and contains omega 6 and omega 3. For this reason hemp oil is recommended to rebalance the intake of essential fatty acids in our diet. With particular reference to the intake of omega 3.
A simple and functional way to use CBD oil is to use it to prepare butter. Butter has finally gained a reputation as a healthy food, after being considered the figure killer for many years, and can be used in the preparation of many other dishes. CBD oil can be added to this fat, and is one of the ways to increase the benefits.
The process is very simple. You need to break the butter into a saucepan, add the CBD oil and about 1 liter of water. Then you need to cook on low heat for about a couple of hours. Stirring occasionally. When the water has evaporated, transfer the mixture into a container and leave to cool.
CBD butter can be stored in the refrigerator and used for making cakes and biscuits. To season meat or vegetable dishes or to grease a slice of toast as a snack.
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